Saturday, April 12, 2008

Updates (aka Trying out inbedded links)

"I may not be able to see you, but I can hear what you are saying." I LOVE this quote from Governor David Paterson, as he announced his final decision about Broadwater, the LNG facility proposed to be built in the middle of the Long Island Sound. This incredibly brave person turns out to be an incredibly brave Governor and I, for one, am ecstatic! He agrees with all of Broadwater's opponents that the ecology and the well being of our beautiful sound would be compromised if this project were allowed to proceed. And he traveled all the way from Albany to Sunken Meadow State Park to make the announcement.

I just want to mention that my personal reasons for being against this project were not just due to "NIMBYism" ("Not In My Back Yard"). From the evening back in November of 2004 when representatives from Broadwater made a presentation to the Officers and Trustees of the Wading River Civic Association, I knew that this was the wrong way to go to ease the Energy crisis on Long Island. After all, isn't natural gas another fossil fuel? Isn't it a limited resource? Although it burns cleaner than oil, doesn't it still emit carbon into the atmosphere?

Long Island needs to move toward energy efficiency and conservation and the whole country needs to move toward alternative energy sources. This is the way of the future. And the governor of New York knows it.


Some other updates:

The interview went well. I'd say I nailed it, actually. Turns out, with all the volunteering and organizing and leading of groups that I've done over the past 9 years, I had a lot of experience to refer to during the interview. I was asked back for a second interview and I will know if I have it by the end of next week.

It's one of those jobs that's you'd never thought existed. Something your kids might have trouble telling their friends. I'd be the administrator of the Chemical and Molecular Engineering program at Stony Brook. Sounds bigger than it is -it's part time. But they're offering health benefits, something my husband and I pay for ourselves, since he has his own company.

I was really excited at first. Thinking this would be the perfect job for me. But as time passes I'm starting to get cold feet about leaving home and the kids for so much time. Plus there's this other opportunity that's been brewing. Money's not as secure - kind of a commission paid gig. But the organization is very worthwhile, and I know I would love working with the director.

So I guess I'm in a good position. There are two things I might be able to do. And that's nice.

In December I posted about a commitment to exercise. I'm happy to say that I have stuck with it and i feel great. I won't lie to you and tell you that the results have been miraculous. I'm no supermodel or anything. But, maybe, if it's a miracle that I feel better than I have in years, then it has been. I have both more energy and more of a feeling of calm. I'm more flexible and I haven't hurt my back for 6 months. I still love my yoga and really miss it if I have to miss classes for a week. Jazzercise is fun and I don't feel quite so goofy as I did in the beginning.

The whole exercise thing has been really empowering for me.


Finally, I realize that I never talked much about my epiphany. I'm afraid that this new dream has been placed on the back burner for now. I realize also that I never spoke of what it was. But this is OK. Better even. It's still living inside me. And it's mine to cherish. It's not going anywhere.

1 comment:

Nan Patience said...

I agree about the direction that energy policy has to take.

David Paterson definitely has won a place in the heart of Long Islanders. They say he's a very smart, very street-savvy politician. Whatever, I'll take it!

Thanks for riding with me yesterday, it was fun!