Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day at the Beach

Well it's Spring Break, and we're definitely "breaking". No school, no karate, no dance, no meetings, no commitments.

Today we went to Indian Island Park with some friends and had some real spring fun. The trees are blooming (the buds really look like flowers at this point) the sky was blue and the water was actually warm!

At the beach there was this great big tree whose roots had eroded down the sandy bank, and had landed half in the water! The other mom bravely ventured out to the far limbs and we all followed her. It was so much fun.
One of the roots looked prehistoric. We couldn't decide if it looked more like an Apatosaurus or the Loch Ness Monster.

All in all it was a very nice day - good friends, good weather, good spot - what else could we ask for?

p.s. I didn't get the job. I was sure they would offer it to me. Sure it would be my decision whether to take it or not. I wasn't sure what I'd have said, but the rejection is a bummer.

1 comment:

Nan Patience said...

Great pix, MamaCole. Your friends are very good looking, too!

I was sure you'd get the job!