Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life in the Mamacole household has calmed down a little since the headaches seem to be gone. Thanksgiving has come and gone.
The election is long over.
I have very little to complain about and I believe I have a bit of writer's block.
I wish I could say that it's just recently that I haven't been able to put thoughts together and sound interesting and funny. But I'm afraid it's been a really long while. And I've begun to bore myself.
So I'm taking a page from the sitcoms and throwing in a "retrospective" type post here. We'll go back and relive some of the better moments with Mamacole and perhaps that will keep the viewers engaged another couple of weeks.
One of my earliest posts was about scrubbing the kitchen floor. I think this might be my favorite post ever (has it been all downhill since July 2007?) My most commented on post was about mammograms. Although my laundry post garnered a lot of commentary too.
I'm starting to get cold feet on this whole "best-of" Mamacole thing. Now I'm not only bored, but embarrassed.
It's just a thinly veiled attempt to make a good first impression. Just in case I get any new readers. I don't want anyone to judge me on my recent posts.
Spend some time. Go back to some of my older stuff. There's some funny stuff back there!


Nan Patience said...

No, no. This is good stuff!

MamaCole said...

You're partial, Nan.