Sunday, November 9, 2008

What's a mother to do?

My son's headaches were back again this week.

And now, on top of worrying about his health, worrying about how much it hurts, concern for how much school he's missed and what his grades look like, being persistent with doctors, insurance companies, and school administrators - on top of all that - I have to be worried about showing too much worry.

Several times this week, it was indicated to me, that the anxiety I'm feeling might actually negatively affect my son. That if he senses my anxiety, it might add to his own and this could be one of the triggers for the migraine.

So now I've got that to worry about.

All I gotta do, really, is just stop being me. Stop feeling nervous and worried and anxious and project pure peaceful serenity to my family. Maybe I could change the color of my eyes, too, while I'm at it.


p.s. The picture was done by my son. The little caption says: "Hi. I'm Jack's Brain."


Luna said...

Mama-you don't have to post this, but if you wanna chat, I'm around..via email or even by phone. I don't wanna overstep by posting anything. Kid stuff really wears on ya, huh? Hang in there.

Damon Peter Rallis said...

This is tough stuff. Hang in there, huh?

The hardest part about being a parent is to try and hide your worry or fear from them.

Mom of 3 said...

I sent you an email, hope you find some relief soon!

Natasha Beccaria said...

i feel for you!! hugs.

Nan Patience said...

Wow, your son is so talented.

Don't change the color of your eyes.

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

How is your son feeling?

Christine G. said...

Hi nicole -- chris fogarty from HHS here. found your blog on the facebook site.

be persistent with your son's headaches. in 8th grade, my daughter's best friend Kayla had migraine after migraine, throwing up, vomiting... doctors visits got them nowhere.

turns out she had a rouge cluster of veins inside her head, and they burst. aneurysm at age 12.

her mom is an ICU nurse and the first thing she said to the doctors who repeatedly ignored her and misdiagnosed her daughter was "i told you so, asshole."

kayla's a junior in high school now, but had they done a CT scan on her they would have found it before it burst.

so... i'm not saying that your son has this. i'm not saying anything. just ... be vigilant. be strong, and persistent.

it could be the best thing you do for him.

love catching up with your life here on the blog. mine is at if you ever want to go read.