Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Misgivings

I woke this morning with a feeling of "free floating anxiety," a term coined by one of my best friends, who is now no longer with us. I was both tense and tired, as I realized how much there is left to do before the big holiday feast.
But I quickly thought of two things that I must repeat to myself all day.
1. The more tense I am, the more I seem to procrastinate and that in turn makes me more tense and worried. I must FIGHT this cycle and I must fight it all day. If I can break this, I will be able to get more done.
2. It is selfish to worry about what is on my plate, when others have so little. I am fortunate to have a big family who loves me, a big-enough house to host them all and a warm and generous husband to support me through it all. I have spent a lot of holidays over the years feeling sorry for myself. This is not the way to honor our fore-fathers and -mothers and it is not a way to show gratitude to our Creator. I will also fight this feeling and express gratitude in the form of enjoying my holiday and the time leading up to it.
Oh, there is one more thing: I am easily distracted by the computer and the phone. I will need to log off this sucker and turn the phone ringer off. I will call folks later, to wish them a happy holiday, when I have more time. Right now, I will focus on what I have to do, and try to enjoy the fact that I am able to do it.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Have a great one!


Moondancer said...

Hey MamaCole...
Years ago, when stressed out about this holiday stuff, I told myself that nobody knew what I planned to do but me, when I felt it start to become stressful, I just said enough...I was done. Nobody knew and eveybody enjoyed. This has always made it easier for me.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be easy on yourself.

MamaCole said...

The day was a great success.
The funny thing is that people commented how I'm "always so relaxed" as a hostess. I always thought that meant, "you let everyone else help out so much!" But this time, it felt like a compliment.
I did get everything done - but how silly. I painted a year-old messy patch in the upstairs hallway, and hung a couple of pictures there too. Of course NObody came upstairs. Of course.
Oh well, ya live, ya learn (or you don't and you continue to make home improvements before holiday parties).

Nan Patience said...

"it is not a way to show gratitude to our Creator"

That is EXACTLY what I think is so important.

Natasha Beccaria said...

i just try to remember that hosting is more about the family getting together than what's on the table. Same with Christmas gifts.

my favorite memory of last christmas was heading over to my inlaws after a christmas eve feast at our house, sipping egg nog and listening to my father in law play christmas tunes on the piano. The tree lights were on... i was snuggled next to my honey and humming along. It was quite enjoyable!

Luna said...

Isn't the pressure we put on ourselves for "enjoyment" of the holidays absurd? This year, I wound up doing a makeshift meal, since our travel plans were deep-sixed at the last minute (long story). We had one of the best holidays ever, and I believe it was because we simply winged-it and chose to focus on the company instead.