Monday, September 29, 2008

Mrs. Mager

"When I first got off the bus I felt shy
but I knew I had the nicest teacher in the school. "
-Isabella Burke
on the first day of 2nd Grade
September, 2007

Jen Mager, Jen Ogden, Mrs. Mager, Ms. Ogden
How can she be gone when she was so present?

She warmed our school
our church
our community
with her smile
and her light.

Everyone she touched felt

And now we are
lonely, sad and equally at a loss.

"I can't think of her not alive, mommy..."

No one can.


Natasha Beccaria said...

i heard about this. UGH. It brings back memories of when i was in elementary school in Center Moriches and one of the teachers there (Mrs. Brown) lost her son to a hit and run accident. It was one of my first experiences with death. Its hard for a kid to grasp the concept i think and of course parents suffer as well. Im sorry for your loss and your daughter's loss.

Anonymous said...

Both of my children had Mrs. Ogden, and then Mrs.Ogden Mager for their 2nd grade teacher. It's so hard to believe that she is no longer with us. Billy Joel hits it on the head, "Only the good die young". I felt a strong need to visit the funeral home, to pay my respects, and to see the fact of what I thought just couldn't be true. Her ever lasting smile and warmth will be with me and my children forever.