Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spongebob Square Candidate

As I sit here and watch what they are calling a "debate", I am frustrated to no end about how much finger pointing is going on. No one actually answers a question, nor can anyone actually tell us how they themselves feel about a thing, because the focus is on what the other guy has done or has said or what they are responsible for. I'm so frustrated that I keep talking over the answers and making observations about the candidates' choice of necktie. My 12-year-old son just asked me, "Do you want to watch Spongebob?"

"I think we are watching Spongebob, Jack."

I would say this is a freaking joke, if it weren't so serious. Americans are asking intelligent, observant questions. And these men are giving us the same rhetoric of six months ago. Their platforms haven't changed at all, despite how deeply and quickly our economy has tanked.

And they just keep blaming the other and telling us what "he" did wrong and what stupid and naive thing "he" is saying. They don't even answer the questions!

"It's his fault!"
"No. HE did it."

Can't either of them just be a leader already? Can't they say something that they feel strongly and passionately about in a frank way withOUT going after the opponent's position. Their answers are repetitive, we've heard them before. Once a question is put to the candidates, they dance around like Patrick and Spongebob through the valley of doom.

Don't get me wrong, I still know who I am voting for. I am still pleased that George W. Bush will finally NOT be our president. And I still think I know which is the lesser of two evils.

But, come on. Even the better candidate is not the best candidate. I am longing for a real leader. These are historic times. We need an historic leader.


Damon Peter Rallis said...

I think the finger-pointing is inevitable. It is all they know how to do and, frankly, neither of them tell the whole story when they point a finger. The whole thing was a circus.

I will say, however, that it seems pretty clear (even through the rhetoric) how each candidate plans to deal with health care, energy, our taxes, even foreign policy... and I have already made my decision based on these issues.

Unfortunately, words and promises are one thing... actions and implementation are another and I sort of have this "believe it when I see it" attitude right now.

At the end of the day... they are both politicians.

Yes MamaCole... it will be the lesser of two evils. Let's just hope it is the right choice.

Um... I don't wanna be accused of being politically incorrect here, but as soon as I saw the title to your post I thought... HEY... She's right. John McCain does kinda look like Sponge Bob... he's very SQUARE looking, no? Box-like? Stiff?

I know, that's cruel... but tell me it didn't cross your mind.


Thanks for letting me hijack your blog... God knows I'm not doing anything with mine. :)

MamaCole said...

Yes. I was gonna call it Spongejohn Square Candidate, but I didn't want to sound so biased right up front.

And the other thing is, if McCain is spongebob, does that make Obama Patrick Star?

Also, my son had suggested calling it Spongebama Square Pants, which is actually really funny, but kinda disloyal...

Thanks for reading and commenting. Makes it all worth it...

Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

I've had enough already with all of the finger pointing. I had to turnoff the debate last night because I just couldn't watch it. I can't wait for November to get here just for this to be over.

And I still don't know who I am voting for. That is a first for me.

Moondancer said...

Wow! I never have realized how much they are alike! To bad we can't wring him out.
Great post....

Nan Patience said...

I know who I'm voting for, too, and these debates are stupid. I intended to not watch it the other night, but Big Daddy tuned in, so I sort of got sucked in.

I think as far as leadership is concerned that we're on our own. I don't see any either. Everything's falling apart and no one knows what to do, so let's just point fingers.

Luna said...

Good comparison and post. Mama, I have yet to meet anyone that felt that debate has been helpful. I look at them as just amped up television commercials for the candidates. The mud-slinging is so out of hand.