Thursday, July 19, 2007

The morning after

I woke up this morning full of ideas for my new blog. I can't say that I woke up exactly "fresh" or "early," though. This was due to several factors.

First, after last night's weekly session with my favorite psychologist (and I'm not being sarcastic), I decided I needed some alone time so I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was late, but I have been dying to see it - I'm a Harry Potter maven- and my young children weren't certain they were ready for it. So I took off, alone, to the Island 16 cinemas de lux (the guy on moviephone actually pronounced it with french accent - "de-lueh" - this is true!) for the 10:15 showing. It was fun being at the movies, since I don't go often and have only been to a "de-lueh" theater twice before. I thought the movie was great, but as always with movies that follow books, not nearly as great as the book. I didn't get home until almost 1:00.

Second, I slept with my baby last night. Let me clarify. My baby is not the baby in the picture. (That is my new niece who was born in March). No my "baby" is the youngest of my brood, a wonderful, smart, adorable little 6-year-old whose name I've been advised I should not publish. let's just call her "Nana Fanelli" since she reminds me of my deceased Italian grandmother - both in her stature and her attitude. We dont usually have the kids sleep in our bed, but since it was hot and we have the only air conditioner, I guess my husband made an exeption last night. She was only half dressed and my admiration of the beauty of her soft tan skin kept me awake even later. She also kicks all night long.

Third, I was awakened at 8:00 am by the loud, mechanical sucking sound of a huge vacuum-cleaner truck at the end of my driveway. The reason I knew what the noise was is that I'd called the town yesterday to ask them to do something about all the sand that's been accumulating at the grates on either side of my driveway since February. There was a jungle of grass and weeds there too. So when the whining noise of large equipment reached my ears through the closed windows, I knew what it was. It woke me just the same.

So now I'm ready to write. But wait, I've already written a pageful. Wow. I can talk, can't I? What a cool thing, a blog. I can write and you can read and then I can write again. Well, I guess that's enough for now. More tomorrow - or later.

Thanks for reading!


Nan Patience said...

Great post! See how much fun? See how easy? See Jane run?

Lizzy said...

Great post, but not as great as the kitchen floor observations. Also, having trouble getting past the fact that you don't make two spaces after each period. How can that be?

MamaCole said...

I'm not sure the comment about the spaces is supportive. I'll fix that, though, counselor.

j-m said...

Isn't it nice to do something special for yourself, all by yourself, every now and then? I think it's very therapeutic.

MamaCole said...

And so infrequent. Hi Jean-Marie. Do I know you from Northfork

j-m said...

Yes...I am Life in the commented on my blog. Hi!