Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Post about Nothing

I haven’t written in such long time. I’d like to blame a whole lot of other people for this. For certainly there have been distractions. Camping trips and play dates and classes at the library and general running around. But I just never seem to have the time to do anything I really want to do. Almost every night I go to sleep vowing to get certain things done the next day: clear the clutter from my desk, weed the garden, clean the bathrooms, write the blog. But each night I seem to go to bed with the same list.

I just don’t have enough time, what with the daily trials of raising three kids, fielding phone calls, paying bills etc. I know I know, I need to stop complaining. I don’t even work outside the home, right? Not yet anyway. How will I get all this stuff done if and when I DO have a job. The days are just too short.

So, last night I made a new vow. I will start my day earlier. I will wake up at 6:30 with my husband. Why not? He wakes me anyway. And then, once I settle back to sleep, I wind up sleeping until 9:00. No, I resolved. I must get up early and start my day.

So here I am. Of course it’s only the first day, so I'd decided it ease into it and set my alarm for 6:45. DH (dear husband) woke me at 6:30 to say goodbye, so I rolled over for 10 minutes, and then sprang up – refreshed! Ready to start my day!!

Well, it was kind of like that. I’m not a morning person. If it weren’t for the thought of an oversized mug of coffee I wouldn’t be able to rise at all. And it was more of a roll than a spring. These days (since I turned 40 – almost to the day!) I feel very stiff and sore in the morning, so I kind of limped around the bed to the bedroom door.

But nonetheless, I was up, and I was proud of myself. So I made my coffee (note to self: get the pot ready the night before), fed the cat and headed straight for the computer. First problem: my computer mouse is completely shot. Useless. Going to the store to buy a replacement was on my list yesterday, but I didn’t get to it.

So on to plan B – DH’s laptop. The thing with this option, though, is that there are a couple of technical impediments with this contraption: Everything moves much slower on here, Internet and otherwise so I had to be patient (not one of my strong points) and, since the keyboard is so “compact”, I kept hitting the page up key with the heal of my hand. Often I found my cursor up in the middle of one of the previous paragraphs and I’d have typed, “start my dlimped around theay” or something similar.

Still and all, I was up, I had a cup of coffee and there was a computer in front of me, just calling out to me to write. But, I should probably just check my email first, right? Just see what’s going on. And then, since I haven’t subscribed to a newspaper in ages, I checked out the headlines at the NY Times.com. Oh and I’d better check my bank balances, make sure that’s cool. And I still need to pay that bill I’d almost forgotten.

Ok all ready to blog. But I haven’t checked the other blogs on northforkparents.com so let me just read everyone else’s stuff. And then make comments. I love to see comments on my blog, so I’d better contribute to others’.

Man, everyone else writes so well and so frequently and about such interesting things. Now I’m a little intimidated.

After taking 2 phone calls, one of which obligated me to a lunch date and talking to my boy for a while, about his friends and other boys, then about different kinds of fish that he knows about, (he is really such an incredible boy – a worthwhile distraction), I fed the cat again, and brushed all the loose hair off of him.

Ok, now I can get back to writing. As I was saying…It’s 9:37am. How did I kill all that time?

(if you can relate, check out this video: "procrastination" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P785j15Tzk )


j-m said...

Hey Nicole,
Good bloggin'. You see, in my eyes, this is pretty much the normal way things go. If I had 1 totally focused, uninterrupted day, I would be looking over my shoulder, waiting for the other shoe to drop...and THAT would blow my focus.
Lots of times I blog, with the background of "Mommy, Mommy...Mommy?...Mommy?" "Hon'...Hon???"
I agree, tho'. The early a.m. is best for "me" time. I find when I do my exercise session early a.m., before the interrupting demands of the day begin, I get the best work-out, and I am more focused...plus I have more energy to do the stuff I have to do, and feel better ABOUT myself.
Basically..."me" time has to be taken...it will rarely be given to you.

MamaCole said...

I might have been procrastinating a little, too. Which is kind of silly, since I enjoy blogging.

Did you check out the video, jm?

j-m said...

Yes...cute. Reminds me of an old email I got on the topic.

Procrastination can be productive...in the OTHER areas of your life that you're not supposed to be dealing with at the moment.

Luna said...

I love when you start out saying it's a post about nothing...and it turns into a whole lot. Fantastic. Happens a lot. Most times, what we consider "nothing" is truly something.

Usually, when I have great resistance toward writing anything-it's for a reason, and when it does come out, it's pretty fruitful.

You're allowed to procrastinate. It's allowed. All that stuff you mentioned on the list? Guess what? It'll still be there tomorrow.