Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cleaning the Kitchen Floor

Today I cleaned the kitchen floor. I don't mean that I vacuumed or used the swiffer, or even that I damp-mopped it, which is usually the ultimate in cleaning for me. I mean I cleaned it the way our fore-mothers did it: with a bucket of hot soapy water, a scrub brush, and elbow grease. I haven't cleaned the floor this way in ... well... um... not since the floor was laid in 2004.

I decided to scrub the floor around where the cat eats and near the cabinets at first. But then I tackled the whole thing. It would be good for my constitution, I thought. Plus, I love my wide-plank wood floors. They deserved a really good cleaning.

I gained the following wisdom while on my hands and knees:

1. Old sparkle glue does not come off hard-wood floors, no matter how hard you scrub.

2. The guy who finished the floors left a long hair in the polyurethane.

3. An hour is a long time for the kids to stay out of the kitchen.

4. Dried up burnt onion, once reconstituted with soapy water, smells like good food.

5. Cinderella's plight was under-rated.

And so the adventure continues...


Luna said...

Who knew mopping could be so deep?

Seriously, I love scrubbing the floor on my knees-it's the ONLY way to get it really clean.

Thanks for sharing.

MamaCole said...

It does feel clean. The thing is now I'm like a nazi about anyone dropping anything on the floor. How often do you do this?

Thank YOU for reading!

Lizzy said...

You are so funny! I think you've found your groove.

Nan Patience said...

I believe Lizzy's right, Nicole. You HAVE found your groove.

LunaChick, when you scrub those floors on hands and knees, you've GOT to take a photo.

I always thought if I scrubbed the floor on hands and knees that I'd be too sexy for Big Daddy to handle.

Luna said...

I don't do it too often, only when I feel my ego growing, and I know I need to be knocked down a peg.

It works really well, believe me.

Luna said...

I agree Nance--I'll remember not to scrub on my hands and knees in front of Big Daddy


j-m said...

Great post! I agree, it's the only way to do it...tho' linoleum doesn't like the brush part. You almost make me want to scrub MY kitchen floor.

Wait...nah...maybe another day.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.