Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My new addiction

I've had some trying times these last weeks.

I'm tired, worn out, not sure how to go on. I knew I needed something to get me going again. I went to yoga. It was nice, and hard work, but that wasn't it. I went to a Jazzercise class. It was even harder. Still not enough.

I've been eating everything I can find. I've talked with friends. Went for walks. Listened to my iPod. Nothing was really helping.

I thought it might be time to write, but I am too damn tired to concentrate. Sigh... maybe I need to get in touch with my therapist again...

But no. Tonight I found my salvation. I found out you can watch full episodes of The Daily Show online- just one day after they air!

I know I'm VERY slow on the uptake. I know it's been around for years. But I don't have cable. I have never watched a show - snippets on YouTube here and there. But never a full episode.

Jon Stewart, where have you been all my life?



Damon Peter Rallis said...

You'll get there Mamacole.

Glad you've found salvation in Jon Stewart.


Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

I feel the same way too lately. I am happy, but down & low, and still not feeling well. I am actually working on a post about it, although I don't know if I will post it.

Keep smiling :-)

Nan Patience said...

For real?

Jen said...

isn't he fantastic? He cracks me up! The Colbert Report is also very funny, but Jon has a more accessible demeanor that I can't resist!



Moondancer said...

I love Jon Stewart....nothing like a good laugh to make ya feel a little bit better.
Be well.