Tuesday, June 16, 2009

**Out of Focus**

I've been away for so long, I hardly know how to come back. I have an idea for a post, and I'm developing it in my head and in the margins of my Sudoku book, which is the only thing I seem to be able to focus on for more than 30 seconds at a time. My mind is so distracted and my thoughts so jumbled and my time so short, I can't seem to put the words together on paper - or on screen, I should say.

Funny thing - at work, I've been told, "You seem really focused." or "You have a way of really focusing on a task and getting it done." And I'm like, "What, me? Focused? Huh??"

Maybe I use up all my focus at the office. Very little left for home and even less for the blog.

More soon...

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