Saturday, March 15, 2008

Poison Thoughts

Some serious and rather personal thoughts are going through my head tonight. And I just read somewhere that a real blogger should not hesitate to write things off the top of her head (or some form of that thought). So here I go.

I just found out that someone else has cancer. Well, a brain tumor, actually. I don't know any details, but I'm assuming it's cancer. This woman is the mother of my daughter's classmate, and I only know this personal thing about her because her husband called me today to ask if I would drive their boy to my daughter's birthday party tomorrow. The party is in a town west of here, and the boy's mom is in the hospital and the dad needs to be with her. But, he said, his son really wanted to come to the party and didn't have a ride.

This news hit me like an electric shock. Mostly because one of my best friends had a tumor in her sinus canity last year. She was diagnosed with a rare form a cancer called neuro-endocrine cancer in December of 2006. She died June 16, 2007.

Another friend of mine had thyroid cancer in 2004. At least 4 other moms in my kids' school have been battling breast cancer. My sister also had breast cancer back in 2002. And these are just the people I can think of off the top of my head late at night.

So I'm wondering, what the hell is going on in our society? What the hell is wrong with a nation with such an incredible amount of financial resources and highly educated people, but we can't figure out why so many people are contracting and dying of cancer. We are an evolved civilization. And people are dying in their forties and younger. A LOT of people.

I'm so tired right now that I can hardly express the level of anger and frustration I feel about this issue. Sometimes I feel inspired to write letters to all our leaders to ask them: What will you do about this? How are you going to save our people from dying of cancer? WE HAVE A PROBLEM HERE. HELP!

I also want to know why. Why does it keep happening? Why so much here on Long Island?

It couldn't be the extensive network of overhead power lines. Or the road runoff and pesticides in our ground water. Or the crap in our food. Or the poison in the air. It couldn't be any of that, right? Because our government wouldn't let those things exist if they were bad for us, right?



Anonymous Mommy Blogger said...

I am so sorry about your friend, and the other close people in your life.

Cancer has taken a lot of people away in my life too; I actually know more people who have died from cancer than other things. That is so sad. And more and more I hear of children losing their parents to Cancer. That really bothers me, and again it is so, so sad.

It is good that you write about it... I have a habit of writing about everyday things and not enough about what makes me truly sad and filled with real anger. And cancer makes me so Angry.

Nan Patience said...

Oh how awful.

I have also asked myself and others why there is an epidemic of cancer.

I hope they find a cure, sooner than later. It's an absolutely devastating disease.

j-m said...

You have my sincere sympathies. I've had close friends lose this battle, and another one still hanging on by a thread. My fil died of cancer last August very suddenly...we'd just seen him in June and had no idea. Everything happened so fast. I have never been so angry, so helpless-feeling, so absolutely unwilling to believe something happened in my life. All I could do was scream "NO!" in the car, sobbing, when I got the call.

It is unacceptable.