Friday, October 5, 2007


I want so badly to post to my blog. Aside from the garlic festival post, I haven’t written anything new and fresh in weeks. I want to – really I do. It knew it would be a good outlet for me and I realize now that I like when people read my stuff.

Sometimes I write and no one comments and I wonder if anyone has read what I’ve written. If you write a post to your blog, but no one reads it, is it really writing? I mean, a blog is not exactly the same thing as a book, or an essay or even a column in the newspaper. It originated as a “web log” and a log is more of an accounting or a record of something. So the question is, is the blog an outlet for my personal feelings or daily occurrences? Or is it a written commentary, created for others’ eyes?

Either way, my desire is to be creative and funny in my writing and I guess that is what motivates me to write. I definitely like to observe and describe and this is the creative outlet part for me. I also like to fancy myself a kind of humorous chap (is there a female version of “chap”? I really like to use Britishisms whenever I can). My best friends and family members agree with this. They crack up when they read my emails on their blackberries while in court. (OK - one of them did this. Once). They think I’ve missed my calling even. (I’m not sure that northfork parents readers agree).

But today, there is a problem with observing and describing. The thing is, I’m extremely grouchy today. My patience is minimal. And everyone is so annoying to me. When I get like this, people are ignorant and misinformed. Or arrogant and self-serving. No one seems interested in helping me. In fact, they are all obstacles to my getting anywhere in my day. Even people’s voices are harsh – their accents exaggeragted and speech defects intolerable. I can barely stomach my own three children and I love them more than I love my own limbs!

This kind of mood can usually be attributed to hormones and in this case,it is a big factor. Another factor is that I have had a cold for nearly 2 weeks and I CANT STAND IT ANY MORE!! (Sorry for screaming. See what I mean?) My head is so stuffed I feel like it is inside a glass jar. Or immersed in a fish bowl. That’s it. I feel like my head is under water and my nose, ears and throat are full of water. Enough to put anyone in a bad mood, right?

So I’ve decided to blog anyway. Regardless of my incredibly ghastly mood, I’ve decide to write and post and let it all hang out.

I wonder if anyone will comment? I dare ya.


Luna said...

Never ever dare me darlin!

Moody can be ok, we've all been there-and I am a huge believer that people DON'T want to read about how perfect anyone's life is...know why? Cause they know that anyone that has a perfect life is a liar!

Let it all hang out! I, for one, appreciate it!

Allie said...

MY GOODNESS! I hope you are feeling better. As far as a bad mood is concerned,you are entitled
who could be in a good mood feeling like you do. Looking forward to you
being your old sweet, funny self soon.

Natasha Beccaria said...

dont even get me started on hormones!

I know exactly how you feel!

Hope you get better soon!

j-m said...

Hormones hummin' + the flu cloud trying to settle over my head = trouble.


MamaCole said...

Natasha and Jean-Marie -
Thanks for the "Amen Sister!"
A/A - I am a little better now, thank you.