Sunday, May 4, 2008

Net Nanny

Net Nanny! Net Nanny! Goooo Net Nanny!!!

I found a program to block all mature/adult material. It really works! So far. I'm still on the 14 day free trial. But if things continue to go this way, I'm going to subscribe.

It's so good, sometimes I can't open my email on google because of some ads that show up along the sides of the email.

It's so thorough, it wouldn't even let me onto The Six Fingered Monkey without my password! That Net Nanny is really watching out for me!


Damon Peter Rallis said...


I have been reduced to pornography!


Glad you found something!


PS: Thanks for the plug... I think...


Natasha Beccaria said...

It's all those F'ing bad words your using Six. Don't worry... i still read your blog...